Thursday, September 22, 2016

The Most Innovative Building Materials in 2016

Dean Buescher works with local and national homebuilders to develop commercial projects. In his line of work, Dean Buescher needs to remain apprised of the latest trends in building materials. Here are some of 2016’s most innovative building materials:

- Solar-activated facade. Particularly useful during the winter months, this cladding system has a heat-sink functionality that captures heat during the day to keep thermal losses down at night.

- Qmonos. Created by the Japan-based company Spiber, this synthetic spider web is as silky and strong as the original and manufactured for commercial use. Currently, Spiber has collaborated with The North Face to create an insulating jacket made out of Qmonos fiber.

- MX3D bridge. The creation of Dutch designer Joris Laarman, the MX3D Bridge is the first of its kind. This 3D-printed bridge will be built using a metal-printing technology, also developed by MX3D.

- Self-healing concrete. Researchers from the University of Cardiff’s School of Engineering are conducting trials on self-healing concrete materials. Their goal is to create autonomous infrastructures such as roads and buildings.